Saturday, July 05, 2003

Top ten quotes of Saturday's Lost Coast ride?

10. Tourist in Honeydew: "You just missed them. They left about 2 minutes ago. Do those boys always leave you behind?"
9. Mack to Michael: "We should get gas before we ride. It might be *late* when we get back."
8. Jordan to tourist in Honeydew: "I'm just doing a short ride then I'm going back to pick up the pieces of the boys' ride."
7. Mack: "I thought I was going to die, underneath a cow."
6. Michael: "Hey Chris, I found one of your water bottles... but I hope you don't mind that I drank your Gatorade."
5. Michael & Mack: "We're doing a loop of the Lost Coast. 100 miles." Local kid on BMX bike: "Yeah, we're doing the Tour de Ferndale. One and a half miles."
4. Jordan: "200 miles is a f**king long way." [okay, I'm cheating this was Thursday!]
3. Chris when Jordan found him staring at a map: "How much further do I have to ride?" Jordan: "You are not riding anywhere! Get in the car."
2. Michael to himself, delirious: "Those f**king sheep are laughing at me."
1. Michael: "I'll bet you're wondering what happened to me?"

Most of these were in Chris and Michael's recap/stories... I'm sure there are many more...

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