Thursday, June 08, 2006

Guy Q

This month’s “Men’s Fitness” magazine has an article, a questionnaire really, called “Guy Q”. According to the magazine a guy can have “the looks, the body, the moves, and the style – but if [he] doesn’t have the right Guy Q, the rest won’t matter”. But what is *Guy Q*? Apparently, it’s the thing a guy has that “makes a girl feel like a girl”. It’s the sense that “guys can protect and defend women, even when they don’t really need it”, which is why it is so desirable. The task-oriented questionnaire includes things such as installing a ceiling fan, slapping together a bedroom set from Ikea, catching a baseball in a mitt. Hardly life-saving… but decidedly masculine. Below are a few more of my favorites from the *quiz*:

- Remove a cork from a wine bottle in one piece, without getting chunks in the bottle (or just pushing the damn thing in).
- Drive a stick shift as well as an automatic – and lay rubber at will.
- Get your girl a drink in a crowded bar – in less than 5 minutes.
- Perform at least three pull-ups without your arms shaking.
- Um, spell – words like their and there or you’re and your do not serve the same purpose.
- Perform a basic slow dance (nothing too fancy – you just need to blend in with the other dancers on the floor).
- Split wood with an ax.
- Parallel park on a busy street on the first try.
- Play poker well enough to consistently win money.
- Open a beer bottle without an opener.

It also got me thinking about what the equivalent “Gal Q” questionnaire would look like. Nothing immediately leapt to mind. Well, a few things did come to mind (e.g. perform a blow job on demand) but they seemed to betray the tone of the article. I thought a little more and got a few more suggestions from Jen and Halee. It's actually kind of scary that I don't know the "little things a woman does that make her a woman" and that "make a man feel like a man." Maybe that's part of my problem!

- Tying her man's tie.
- Wear heels through impossible-looking terrain.
- Pick perfect birthday and holiday presents for her own family *and* your family.
- Clinch a dinner reservation at the hottest new restaurant.
- Prepare a delicious meal… and clean the kitchen while doing so.

- Iron a dress shirt in less than two minutes.
- Remember birthdays and other important dates, seemingly without effort.
- Arrange flowers tastefully in a vase and keep them alive for more than a day.

- Get red wine (or beer) stains out of your man’s favorite shirt.
- Soothe a crying baby, even if it’s not hers.

Btw, I scored 36/65 in the Guy Q questionnaire – good enough to sneak me into the “pass muster – barely” category. To be honest, I’m not sure than many of my San Francisco guy friends would score much better than me on this test… if they complete the test honestly, hand on heart! I know that I’d rather date the guy that is impressed that I can change a tire, set up a home theater system, swim (and not like a dog)… even though I’d probably let him do it. Haha. Let’s face it, as old-fashioned as it sounds, the guys that *provide, fix and participate in a variety of sporting events* are incredibly attractive.


JB said...

I missed 7. All the other ones I have down. I would guess Jay is better in general at this list, although they did put in a few business/financial things that might pull me even. By the way, any guy that can't drive a manual transmission doesn't need to worry about the "guy Q" unless gay men also have this rating system.

1. There is no meal that I cook better than anyone else. Jay probably can do this. I don't think there is any meal I can cook better than Sarah, but I wouldn't tell her so.
2. I don't win at poker.
3. I might be able to install a ceiling fan, but I never mess with electrical outlets and installations.
4. Surprisingly, I can't open a beer bottle constistantly w/o an opener. I must have spent too much time on kegs at UCSB-those I can open.
5. I refuse to sing Karaoke. I lived in Japan and hate it.
6. If repairing the faucet requires anything other than tightening with a wrench or replacing a washer, I call someone.
7. I don't make girly drinks becuase I want nothing to do with them. Of course, when I was single and trying to get girls drunk, I would have made any furity concoction in the book, so maybe I shouldn't have counted this against me.


Note: Although I can interact with a bank teller, etc., without losing my temper, I fail to see the fun in that and I would never lose my temper with a policeman. I've been detained twice in China and once in SF. It's better to be polite even when the cop is wrong.

JB said...

That's funny. As someone who can design, do the architectural drawings for, and build home additions himself (twice), run a backhoe, *owns* a jackhammer and Mig welder, and has retrofitted power steering and disk brakes onto an old truck... I say this test is waaaay too soft. It's misleading barely-skilled men into thinking they are adequate.

3 pullups is a better test for girls than boys. Three???!!! Even if I flunk myself on all the things that are questionable/subjective, I still score in the 57-59 range. Sadly, though, my downfall areas are popular things like fetching drinks (sorry, girls are better at it so I often optimize resources and outsource that function), cards (why play cards when you can go w/ pure math and play craps?), singing, fishing (it's been too long to count) and killing mice (killed rats, but only reluctantly).

I'm offended that bowling is included and yet there's no 'break 90 in golf, drive 250y straight' on there. The 'drive a stick shift' should be amended to say 'drive a stick shift IN LONDON traffic,' too! I would also add "Play volleyball without looking like a spaz."

JB said...

A few from a stream of consciousness...

Can do own nails respectably (finger and toe)
Shave legs w/o nicks
Be able to leave food on plate even if still *really* hungry
Navigate w/ a road map and thus NEVER resort to asking for directions if armed w/ said map
Name at least 5 bands in a music genre opposite her favorite (usually heavy metal)
Balance a checkbook (and I mean *balance* it, not just keep up w/ the math in the register)
Go at least a month without referring to any particular food as "to die for" or similar
Thoroughly, um, enjoy sex with a *reasonable* amount of foreplay and effort from the partner
At least diagnose any *basic* mechanical problem in the house w/o asking for help
Have been able to splits at least at one time in life
Have better flexibility than most any guy
Be able to give a guy a good (basic) haircut
Fake being bad at something to make a guy feel better about his own lameness
Beat guys approx half the time or more at intellectual games/puzzles
Be able to drive a stick shift and NOT smoke the tires or chatter the clutch
Get drinks at a bar faster than any man
Negotiate a free favor from an airline, whether it is a seat upgrade or flight change, reliably
Get out of >75% of traffic tickets from male officer
Go to movies or dinner alone at least 1x per year
Can get ready (shower, dry, makeup) <20 mins, and look just as good
Earn (or have earned/have been offered a job that pays) as much money as most male friends